Saturday, August 18, 2007

TONG # 1& 2

# 1
AUg 8, 2007

“Tong” ti tikah ka-sung ihsin a suak mi awn pohpoh si loin sim duhmi, thinlung sungah khua a luahcia mi, kha a ngaitu pawl hnenah theihter dingin hman mi, “tong” khi asi.
Laimi pawlin, “Tong kamtkhat sepi man” an rak ti. Bible khalin “Lei (tong) thiltitheinak (power) ah thihnak le nunnak a um” ati. Pathian in lei le van a sersiam tikah “Umseh” a ti ih a tong vekin an um. Pathian in lei le van a sersiam mi thu Bible in a sim tikah “Pathian in a ti“ (God said) timi kan hmu. Bawi Zesu in tisuar (sersiammi) parah thu a pek tikah a tong kamkhat thawn tisuar cu a dai, ramhuai pawl a dawi suak tikah a “tong kamkhat” thawn a dawisuak, misual a ngaidam tikah a “tong kamkhat thawn milai sual a thlahsak”, “misual a ngaidam tikah a kaa in a tong suak, “na sual cu ngaidam asizo,” mi na a dam ter tikah, a tong kamkhat thawn a dam ter, “Ti dam in na zum zo.”
A fiangzet mi, el theih lo, cu ziang asi tile:
· Tongkam hin huham a nei; a tha a sia a rahsuak ringring
· Hna in theihthei mi, kalengah tongsuak mi, hnakin thinlung sungah sim duhsan le ziangvek hram ihsin ziangvek tumtahnak le huham thawn a suakmi asi timi a thupi sawn,
· Tong tikah a ngaitu hna sungah ziangvek san a nei timi a thupi sawn,
· Tong tikah thinlung in a sim duhmi cu a ngaitu hnenah fiangter thei a thupi,
· Tong (language) cu mipakhat in midang hnenah a sim duhmi theihternak hrangih hman mi hmanrua asi,
· Tong cu milai huham kapsuaknak cerek vek asi,
· Tongkam hin a tikcu, can, le hmun a nei; a tikcu, can, le hmun theilo in a tong rero tu cu mi aa si,
· Tongkam hmanmi in milai thinlung sung a lailang; mi aa, mifim, mihur, mitha mithalo, mi hrawkhrawl, mi puarthau, mi tluangtlam, tvp khal a tongkam ihsin theihtheih asi,
· Amah hnakin thei sawntu hnenah zirhtu vekin a tong rero tu cu mi aa asi,
· Tongkam cu milai sunglamah ziangthu pawlin khua a luah ti langtertu asi,
· Tongkam tha cun a ngaitu pawl thinlungah hlawknak a neihter,
· Tongkam fim cun a ngaitu pawl thinlung a dam ter,
· Tognsia cu mithat dingin kapsuak mi thal vek asi.

Milai hin “tongkam” man hi ruat setset loin tongkam kan tlah theu, kan kaa sung ihsin kan suak ter theu. Voi tampi cu a ngaitu pawl hrangah ziangvek thathnemnak a nei ding, ziangvek siatnak a thlenter thei ti mi ruat setset loin kan tong buatbo theu. Mi lakah thu sim, tong tikah “a ngai tu pawl hna sungah ziangtin a lut ding ti ruat sestet lo, ruat na’in theithei lo cuang loin, thu duhtawk a sim, a tong buatbo mi hi a ngaitu pawl hna sungah a cancan cu ngai harzet ttek tla vek, a cancan cu san neilo talhkuang on ruri vek, a cancan cu vawihthawh vek fang, a cancan cu luaksuak tertu asi can a um thei. Cuhnak hman in a ngaitu pawl thinlug sungah siatnak a hringter thei. Curuangah kan tong tikah kanmah in ziangvek tong duhmi kan nei, ziangvek tongkam in kan thinlung di a riamter ding timi hnakin a ngaitu’ pawl hna sungah ziangvekin a lut dingih an thinlung sungah ziangtluk hmual a nei ding, ziangtin hna a tuan ding timi a thupi sawn.

A biktakin, nauhak theih ah tong tikah fimkhur a tul sinsin: Nauhak pawl cun, upa vek thotho in, an hna in an theih mi le an mit in an hmuhmi ihsin an zir vekin thusia lam lawnglawng, mi relsiatnak lawnglawng, beidawngnak lam lawnglawn, kawknak lawnglawng a thei theu tu nauhak pakhat cu siatnak (negative) thinlungput thawn a thanglian rero asi. Nauhak pawl hnenah, an hna theih ah nunsim tulnak can te siar lo ah, siatnak, camsiatnak, mawhsiatnak, ziangsiarlonak, midang siatnak, dinhmun siatnak, riahsiatnak, ninghannak, midang thangsiatnak, tongkam tha lo, tongsia, tongkam hrang, hngirteu tong, tongsia pohpoh tong lo ding asi. Nauhak te pakhat cu thinlungtha le thianghlim, thinlungput tha le duhnung neihter dingin na zirh duh asile an hna sungah ziang na thun timi ralrin a tul. Tongkam sia/thalo hman ringrignnak insang ihsin a thangtlian mi nauhak pawl cun an pitling tikah an duh lo zetmi thinlungput an nei theu asi. Thiltha hnakin thiltha lo hi zir a awl deuh vekin kan kaa sung ihsin a suakmi tongkam hin nauhak pawl thinlungput a tuahtha in a tuah siat rero vekin fimkhur a thupi.

Milai cu amai tong rero mi in amai thinlung cu a ciahneh lala theu. Zingtin zantin mah le mah a camse aw rero tu, midang siatnak a sim rero tu cu mi vanduai asi. Ziangah tile a tong hlanah a thinlung sungah siatnak in hmun kau tuk khua a rak luah cia theu. Cuihlei ah thatlonak a tongmi in amai thinlung cu a luahkhat vivo tikah amai lungawinak a hloh vivo ding. Curuangah zingtin zantin, ziangtik lai khalah Pathian hmaiah ziangtluk mi sunglawi, Pathian in ziangtluk in duhdawt, ziangtluk man nei kan si, ziangtluk thlawsuah pekmi kan si, ti pawl hi kan kaa sung ihsin tongsuak rero ding kan si, hla vekin sak rero dign kan si. Sam ca ngan tu in cu pawl cu hla vekin zingtin zantin a rak sak rero mi kha cabu sungah a ngan mi asi.

Asile tongsia le tongkam tha cu ziangtin kan thei thei ding? Tongkam na ngai tikah na thinlung sungah ziangvek rah a rah suak timi kha zoh aw la tongkam na theih mi cu a tha maw a sia ti na thei thei ding. A tongtu le a ngaitu pawl hrangah thathnemnak a suahpi tu tongkam cu tongkam tha asi. Midang thawn pehpar in, duhdawtnak a karhzai ter tu tongkam cu tongkamtha asi, midang hrangah thiltha tuah duhnak a suahter tu tongkam cu tongkam tha asi. Pathian thangthat duhnak tongkam cu tongkam tha asi. Midang a lo huater tu, mi nautatnak thinlung a lo neihter tu, thinlung mah le mah porh awknak a lo neihter tu, thusia ruahnak a lo pe tu cu tongkam tha lo asi. Asinan hna in theih tikah a naa zet nan tongkam tha a um; cu pawl cu nunsimnak tongkam pawl ansi.

Tongtikah tikcu le dinhmun zohthiam a tul. A thupi bik pakhat cu a ngaitu pawl hna sungah ziangvek in alut ih an thinlung sungah ziangvek man a nei timi asi. Mi pakhatkhat in a ngai tu pawl hna sungah zianghman man nei lo a tong rero tikah a tikcu, can, thazang, le ruahnak a cem men lawng hman si loin amah le a tong ngaitu pawl hrangah thatlonak a suahter thei sawn asi. Asinan hmun hrekhat ahcun a tongtu in tuanvo neih ruangah a tong can a um theu. Thimnakah, Pathian kamsang pawl cun leitlun mi pawl hnenah Pathian in thu a theihter duhmi pawl an tongsuak theu. Cuvek can ahcun a ngaitu in an ngai le ngai lo a thupi sawn lo. A tongtu hrang ahcun fial asi vekin a tong a tul.

Mi zokhal tong tikah ziangruangah, ziangvek duhsan in, zo in a hlawkpi ding, ziangvek rah a rah suak ding, ziangvek huham cahnak nei in tongmi asi, ziangvek tumtahnak thawn tong asi, ziangvek dinhmun thu asi, ziangvekin thungai tu pawl hna sungah a lut ding, zo in siatnak a neih phah ding, tvp ruat thiam cio a thupi in a tul zet. “A lutlam hnakin a suaklam in milai cu a ti bawrhhlawh sawn theu.” Kan kaa sung isin a suak mi le kan hna in a theih mi tongkam pawl hi fimkhur a thupi. Na thinlung cu thatlam pan ter na duh asile tongkamtha lawng tong aw la na hna sungah tongkamtha lawng lutter aw. Cuvek thotho in na kiangkap ah a ummi nauhak upa pawl khal thinlungtha thawn hmailam panter na duh le tongkamtha lawng an hnenah tong aw. Cuticun nangmah le midang tongkam ruangah na lungawinak lak hloh asilo dingih na tongkam cu man nei zet le huham cak zet asi ding. Tongkam khat sepi man na tong ding, na kaa cun ”thihnak” siloin “nunnak” tongkam a tongsuak sawn ding. Cirh khua kawkhat ihsin ci-ti le tithlum a suak tlang thei lo.


Capoh: Tukuk thufim.

#Mi aa hmuahhmuah in an atnak an thei lo i mifim ah an ruat aw theh. Curuangah mifim ah na ruat aw aw asile na aa asi ding.
# Mifim cun theih lo mi tampi an nei asi ti an theih awk tikah mi aa vekin an um, curuangah mi aa ah na ruat aw aw asile mi fim na si men thei.
# Mi fim khal ah aa khalah a ruat aw dah lo tu pawl cu amah le amah a thei aw lo tinak asi ih mi aa thotho ansi.


Tong timi a thupitnak, a tihnunnak, zianghmanlo asinak pawl malte zoh hrih uhsi. "Lei (tongue) ih thiltitheihnak (power) ah thihnak le nunnak a um," "tong kamkhat sepi man" ti asi vekin ziangvek tongkam pawl hin huham cahnak a nei ih ziangvek tongkam pawl hi a tihnung in ziangvek tongkam pawl hi man nei lo an si ti thleidan thiam a thupi. Mi pitling pakhat cun a kaa sung ihsin a suak mi a tongkam siseh a hna sungah a lutmi tongkam siseh a duhsak mi pawl hna sungah a lut dingmi tongkam pawl khalah a fimkhur thiam a thupi. Tongkam cun milai thinlungput, khawruah le nun tiang a tidanglam thei ruangah hi thu hi pawimawh zet vekin ngan asi. Milai pehtlaih awknak hmuahhmuah ah tongkam hin hmun kaubik a luah ruang khalah hi thu hi thupi zetah ruat in ngan asi.

Pathian hmuihmel kengin sersiam kan sinak cu Zesu Khrih ah tuahthat sal, sersiamthar sal kan si kan ti asile kan milai huham cahnak, thilthitheihnak teh Khrih ah famkim in pek kan si sal lo maw si? Zesu Khrih ah "Pathian fa" kan sinakah hin ziangtiang Pathian thiltitheinak le huham cahnak kan nitin nunah kan hmang thei? Himi thusutnak hin mi pitling ziangmawzat thinlung a fangsuak theu ding ti a zum um. Bible in a simmi kan hmuh thei mi cu "Khrih ah a nungtu hmuahhmuah cu Thlarau Thianghlim in an sungah a cencilh" ih "cui Thlarau Thianghlim cu Khrih kha thihnak ihsin a kaitho tu Thlarau Thianghlim kha asi" ti asi fawn. Cuthluk huham cahnak, thihnak ihsin a kai tho theu tu Thlarau Thianghlim cu kan sungah a um asile ziangruangah zumtu ti aw pawl hi huham cahnak kan tlasam ih kan tongkam hin mual a nei lo?

Tisa/thluak/ Thlarau ihsin suakmi tongkam:

Kan sugnah in cenclih tu Thlarau Thianghlim ah tuhlut aw tahratin, thinlung, thlarau, le ruahnak/theihnak, taksa thawn lungrualnak nei in tong tikah milai tongkam cun huham cahnak le hmual a nei asi. Zumtu sungah a cencilh tu Thlarau Thianghlim fimnak sung ihsin a suakmi tongkam pawl cu milai in a tong suak tikah fimnak, theihnak, thudik thutha khaikhawm thiamnak, le a sunglawi mi tongkam pawl cu milai hmurka ihsin a suak theu asi. Zumtu pakhat cun a sungih Thlarau Thianghlim remruat, tumtahnak, le duhmi parah hngat aw aw, up aw tahrat in a taksa, thinlung, theihnak le ruahnak pawl a hlan aw aw ih a hmurka in a tong suak tikah a thei tu pawl hrangah thatnak a suahter ih rahtha a rah ter mi asi. Amah le amah lala khal a sungih a ummi huham cahnak a hmang suak tikah a thlarau nun a thangso asi. Milai huham cahnak ruangah si loin Pathian Thlarau sawn in huham cahnak thawn vanlam thuneihnak hmangin a tongsuak mi tongkam in a tumtah mi pawl cu tuahsuak theu asi. Cutin zumtu cun a sungih Thlarau ah hngat aw tahratin thu a sim, a tong tik lawngah Pathian fa sinak ih huham cahnak, thiltitheinak pawl cu a hmang thei ih tong kamkhat sepi man, nunnak, damnak, thlarau sual dawi suak theinak, thusia thutha thleidan thiamnak, remnak le daihnak suahter thei tu tongkam mankhung cu a kaa sung ihsin a suak theu sawn asi. Tong tikah tongkam thiam le thiam lo, thu theihtam le tam lo hnakin kan tongkam pawl hi khui tawkihsin a suak, tisa maw thlarau in, ziangvek tumtahnak thawn a suak, ziangvek huham cahnak a nei, timi hi a thupi sawn.

Asinan, zumtu maw zum lo tu maw, a tong tikah tisa sinakin a thinlung, taksa le kawruahnak pawl cu a luahkhat ih a hmurka cu cui tisa sinak rian dingin a tongsuak tikah tihnung ngaingai, thihnak thlen thei tu asi. Dungtluntu Peter in a tisa kawruahnak in a tongsuak tikah Zesu in "Nang Satan" ti ah a ti. Abraham cu a tisa tihnak in a thinlung a luahkhat tikah thuphan a per, Moses cu a thin a tawi ih thinsaling thawn a tong tikah "ka" ti ah a milai sinak in a tong suak, Jezebel cun a tisa sinak thawn a tongsuak tikah Pathian kamsang diktak pawl cu tampi a that ih kamsang lem pawl cu siangpahrang Ahab rian dingin a ret hai, David cu a tisa hiarhalnak in a thinlung a luahkhat tikah tihnungza mi thahnak a kaa sung ihsin a tong suak. Curuangah mi zokhalin kan kaa ihsin kan tong tikah, kan hna ihsin tongkam kan theih tikah tisa ihsin a suak mi maw Thlarau Thianghlim kaihhruainak ihsin a suak mi tongkam asi ti hliakhlai thiam a thupi. Cutin kan kaa sung ihsin mi siatsuatu tongkam kan tong lo nak dingah le kan hna ihsin kan theih mi tongkam in kan mah lala in siatsuah lo nak dingah fimkhur a thupi.

Pathian thu lam thawn pehpar in a awlsam bik mi pakhat cu, tisa le thalrau tongmi thleidan theinak cu, hitin asi; mi ziangvekin thu an sim, an tong tik khalah zumtu unau dang duhdawt sinsinnak, mai mimal nunah Pathian thawn a lo nai aw ter sinsintu, thiltha tuah duhnak thinlung a lo neitertu tongkam pawl cu Thlarau ihsin a suak mi an si theu. Asinan nangmah le nangmah a lo porh aw tertu, zumtu midang huatnak thinlung a lo neihter, misiatnak rel duhnak, mi nautatnak, midang ziangsiar lonak, hurkhuannak, le thilthalo lamah thinlungput a lo neihter tu pohpoh cu Thlarau Thianghlim ihsin a suak mi tongkam an si loih tisa tongkam an si ruangah cuvek tongkam na theih tikah na ruahban lo sualnak na sunglamah a pung ter thei asi. Fimkhur a tha.

Thinlung le thlarau tel loin theihnak ihsin tongsuak khal a theih. Hmurka lawng ihsin a suakmi tongkam a um theu. Cu pawl khal tihnung zet an si theu. Rawl kan ei tikah kaa/lei ahcun a thlum zet vek na in taksa hrangah zianghman thathnemnak nei lo, thihnak tur a um thei. Mit in zoh tikah thaw zet vek bang si, zianghman thawtnak nei lo, thaksa hrangah thathnemnak nei lo, salem vek tongkam a um thei. Hna sungah a lut tikah tongthlum zet bang na cingin sunglam nunah zianghman thathnemnak a suahpi lo tu tongkam a um theu. Hmurzim te ihsin tongsuak mi pawl cu kaa ihsin a suak mi awn dang vek fang, talhkuang tum awn vek fang an si.

Theihmi hnakih tam tong:

Pupa tongin "Kamnal an dawk ter rero" (Pupa pawl zuu in khawmnak ah tong thei pawl cu zuu khawn an co tam cuang, tinak) an rak ti. Santhar khalah mibur um khawmnak hmunah tongthei, theitam si an zuam aw ciamco theu kan thei dah cio men ding. Cutikah mi tampi cun thu thei lo ti ah mi in in ruat/thei pang ding ti an phan ruangah an theihmi hnakih tam an tongsuak theu, an theihmi tongnak can neih lo an phang tukih theitam si an zuam aw ciammam theu tikah an theih mi hnakih tam an sim theu. Theihnak ih tam tong tikah thuphan le zumhmang a tel tinak asi. Cuvek lak ihsin fimkhur a tha. Theihtam hi fim asilo; theihmi sunte a tulnak vekin hman thiam hi asisawn. Mi zo khal, anmai tawk te in Pathian an rian theinak ding hrangah an tulmi theihnak cu pek an si.

facts vs. opinion:

Tong tikah le midang tong mi ngai tikah a tihnung bikmi pakhat cu ruahnak (opinion) le thilcang taktak mi (facts) thleidan thiam lo hi asi. Pathian thu simtu pawl lala in an simsual, fehsualnak ih an hman theu mi pakhat cu Bible, Pathian thu an sim tikah midang pawlin an ruahnak/zumhmang an rak sim le ngan mi pawl siseh anmai ruahnak menmen, thupomdan siseh Pathian in a sim vekin an sim theu, thil asi taktak mi vekin an tong theu mi hi asi. Cutikah theihnak a tlasam tu zumtu, zumnak cak lo thungaitu pawlin siatnak le fehsualnakah an hman phah theu. Curuangah thu sim, tong tikah, ruahnak (opinion) thu sim asile "ka/kan/an ruahnakah" "cumi pa/nu ngan dan vekin" tvp telh cih ringring a thupi. Thungai tu pawl hna sungah fiang kelkel in theihthei dingin khuimi pawl hi a cang taktak mi, thutak asi ih khui mi pawl hi milai ruahnak (opinion/belief) an si timi fiangter a thupi. Thutak le milai ruahnak cawhpawlh hi fehsualtu hmuahhmuah in an hman mi hmanrua pakhat asi. Paul rori hman in "famkim loin kan thei ih famkim loin kan nung" ati laiah thusimtu zo khalin ziang hmuahhmuah thei theh vekin a sim ih amai ruahnak le midang ruahnak a theihsawng mi pawl tiang thutak, thilcang taktak mi (fact) vekin a sim asile thilsual tumpi a tuah asi. Asinan amah le amah cu a thei aw lo tla asi thei men. Cuvek tongkam lak ihsin thiarfihlim awk thei a tha. Cuvek cawhpawlh tongkam pawl cun a tongtu le a theihtu pawl hrangah buainak, fehsualnak, lakhran awknak, midang huatnak, mah le mah porh awknak le sual ci hranhran a suahpi theu. Dikzet vek bang si in lamzin sual ah mi a fehpi theu. Tih a nung ngaingai.

Tongmi dinpi
"Pawpi in a neh a thihpi, pacangtha in a tong a thihpi" an rak ti theu vekin mi zokhalin a tongmi amah lala in ziang a siar lo asile a tongmi cu man nei lo asi. Lehnu ah a tong tikah zohman in zianghman ah an siar lo ding. Curuangah Thufim cun "thei dingin rang zetin zir aw la, tong dingin na khul fung seh" a tinak asi. Mi zokhalin a tong mi a tuahsuak lo ding hnakin a tong lo a tha sawn. Curuangah tong tikah, taksa, thinlung, theihnak/ruahnak, milai sinak pumhlum lungrual le tangrual in tong a tha. Pupa pawlin "Ngam hnai lo ih tilungkhat" an rak ti theu mi cu ziang asi tile mi pakhatkhat in thil a tuah mi ah a thinlung, theihnak le taksa hmunkhat te ah a cangvai lo, a lungrual lo mi asi. A thinlung in tuah a duh nan a theihnak le taksa in a tuah suak thei ding a zum lo tikah a milai sinak huham cahnak hmuahhmuah a hmang suak thei nawn lo. Cutikah hlawhtlinnak hnakin hlawhsam ding a tam sawn.

Tong huham (the power of tongue)

Tong tikah, Pathian Thlarau Thianghlim kaihhruainak hnuai ah tuhlut aw aw in, milai sinak taksa, thinlung, siathatheihnak le thlarau thawn lungrual ten tangrualin tong tikah hmual a nei ih huham cahnak a nei asi. Manbangza thilmak khal a rahsuak thei asi. Milai hin kanmah le kanmah kan theih awk hnakih tam, cak, huham maksak thawn Pathian sersiammi kan si. Kan milai sinak, Pathian hmuihmel keng kan sinak, Khrih ah Pathian fa kan sinak, Thlarau Thianghlim in mangbangza huham cahnak thawn kan sungah in celclihnak, ziang hmuahhmuah cu Khrih ih kehram ah ret asinak, vanram misa sinak, Khrih ah Pathian hmuihmel kengin sersiamthar kan sinak, cuvek kan dinhmun cun ziangtal in sim asile Khrih ah zumtu pawl neihmi mangbangza huham cahnak thu a tel asi. Cui mangbangza huham cahnak pawl cu vancungram thlennak lawng maw a si ding? Leitlun kan um lai khalah nitin khristian nunah Pathian duhzawng le lunghmui zawng tuahsuak theinak ding hrangah hman dingmi huham cahnak, thiltitheinak pawl khal Khrih ah kan dinhmun ahcun ret famkim theh asi. Cucu a tul dan vekin kan hman thiam ih kan hman dingmi asi. Zumtu pawlin kan tongkam (kan lei) ah thihnak le nunnak hring suak dingin ziangvek huham cahnak, thiltitheinak a um asi ti theih le hman thiam a thupi.

Tongkam le sakhua mi sinak

"Mi zokhal sakhua mi zet vekin a ruat aw nan a lei a kaihrem thei lo asi ahcun a sakhua mi sinak cu zianghman lo asi" timi kan hmu. Thusim thiam zetzet, thlacam tikah tap duahdo, thawhhlawm pe thei zet, khawm tikah hnipuan thatha hruh ringring, thlacam tikah aw ring zetzet, rawl ul thei zet, biaknak lam thu rel tikah phur theizet khadi for thlauhthlau in thu rel thei, asina'in a "lei a kai hrem thei lo" asi ahcun cu pawl hmuahhmuah cu zianghman lo, thuphan lolak, mah le mah bum awknak men an si ti theih a tha. A biktakin laimi pawl hi a tul hhnakih tam kan tong ruangah mi tampi lungawinak kan siatsuah theu ih Pathian malsawm kan parah a thleng dingmi le a luangsuak dingmi a thlen lo phah theu asi tiah ka ruat. Tong zo mi pawl hi a tongtu cun kan theihhngilh hmanah lakkir sal theih asi nawn lo, thli lakah a zam zo ih a tuah ding cu tuah dingin a zam rero. Tongsual pang asile ngaidam dil lohli hi mi pitling hna asi. Ngaidam dil tikah kan tongkam in a siatsuah mi pa/nu hnen ihsin tongkam ih huham cu laksal asi. Tongkam dik lo hnakin a dik le a thianghlim mi cun huham cahnak a neihsawn vekin tong zomi tongkam ih thiltitheinak cu siatsuah sal asi.

Sakhua mi pawl, Pathian thu a sim theu tu pawl hrangah fimkhur a tul sinsin. Mai ruahnak (opinion) le midang ruahnak pawl kha Pathian in a sim vekin an sim asile "Pathian cu thuphan an puh" asi. Pathian in a tong lomi a tong vekin an simih Pathian cu thuphan an put ruangah cawhkuan ansa te an kuan lai ding asi. Anmah in thuphan an per, Pathian thuphan an puh lawng si loin zumtu mi tampi, an thu ngai tu thinlung an siatsuah ruangah liamkuan tampi an kuan lai ding ti an theih a thupi. Curualrual in Pathian in Thlarau Thianghlim thawn zumtu sungah in cencilh, mangbangza huham cahnak in pekmi khal hman thiam a thupi. Pathian thu sim tikah, tongtai tikah mi tampi in Pathian nung cu milem biak vek fangin kan be theu. Pathian cu peng thawnzakhat hla, vanram, arsi le thlapi, ni pawl umnak lenglamah a um vekin kan be theu. Kan tong tikah a ro, a nunglo theu. Curuangah mi zokhalin sakhua mi ka si a ti awk asile a lei a kaihrem ih a tong tikah Pathian Thlarau Thianghlim huham cahnak thawn a tong ding a thupi. Cucu mi pakhatkhat in a damsungah a tambik, a thabik, a sunglawi bik rahtha rah thei dingin Pathian a rian theinak lamzin asi.

Mi zokhalin an lei kaihrem thei lo ruangah mah le mah bum aw rero hlah haiseh, an mai tongkam lala in anmah le anmah bum aw rero hlah haiseh, mangbangza huham cahnak thawn an sungah a cencilh tu Pathian Thlarau thiltitheinak ahcun tuhlut aw tahratin an milai sinak thinlung, ruahnak, theihnak le taksa tangrualin pumkhat ten tong hai seh, an hna in an theihmi tongkam pawl ruangah siatsuah sihram hlah hai seh, Pathian hmuihmel keng kan sinak Khrih ah kan dinhmun ah Pathian in in pekmi huham cahnak le thiltitheinak thawn nitin nunah tongin thu simsuak cio hai seh ti hi ka duhthusam le thlacam mi asi.

============ ========= ========= ========= ======

# Lei le van lakah theih dingmi thil ummi pawl hi tipithuamthum thawn tahthim sisehlaw milai pakhatin a damsung kumzakhat sungah a theih thei mi cu tidai fawrkhat tluk hman hi asi lo ding.
# Theihnak ah a porh aw rero tu cu theihnak nei lo, mi tlasam bik asi ih mai theihzat sunglawi le man nei zetin a hmang thiam tu cu mi tlawsuak an si.


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