Saturday, August 18, 2007

Common Sense

Common Sense

If everyone lives by high level common sense, no rule and law would be necessary and the legal professional field would have never existed. However, due to different perceptions of objects and different social background that constructed different levels of senses, laws and regulations are necessary to minimize conflicts and maximize happiness. Still the problems exist for having no perfect law makers with perfect common sense and perfect system to implement them, needless to mention the incapacity of the people to grasp the common norms and abide by them. On the other hand, due to lack of common perception on the well established norms and rules, in practical, conflicts and problems of human relation harm many. The conflicting interests of the people still victimize many more every day.

In religion, people preach perfect love, humbleness, humility, long suffering, sacrifice, comparison, and all the good words are contained in their messages. But many cry or die for the sake of their belief and many are victimized to serve the interests of others’ religious beliefs.

In politics, leaders preach perfect sacrifice, goodness, justice, volunteerism, public good, collective interest, so on. But many have been victimized, killed, murdered, and assassinated to meet the interests of some political groups.

In social, everyone appeared to be having self professed common sense of social belongingness and understanding of the appropriate social contract of human relation. But many are left being victimized or sleepless due to the improper actions and words of others.

In economics, fairness is victimized by profitability and legality existed in favor of the manipulators.

In search of happiness and satisfaction, people maximize their daily effort, but no one is constantly being filled with such perfect happiness and blissful satisfaction of competency. One thing because, they fail to get the object they are looking for, and second, they fail to detect the source of such human curiosity that can never be wholly satisfied and be filled with perfect happiness. In defense of the emptiness of their selves, they take a defensive position or sometimes aggressively grasp even undue opportunity that illusively lulls them sleep in ignorance until they wake up with another compelling human curiosity.

In some cases, one’s hero is another’s thief, traitor, or murderer or else; one’s holy leader is another’s evil and most dangerous one; one’s truth defender is another’s liar; one’s defender is another’s killer; one’s provider is another’ thief; one’s priest is another’s child molester; one’s beloved one is another’s destroyer; one’s king is another’s culprit, one’s hero is another’s assassin, and so on and on.
So, where is common sense, if it ever existed? What is the role of common sense? There may be, but limited to provide only most simply understanding, such as fire is hot, ice is cold, human sleep in the night, etc.
When common sense is contaminated, corrupted, totally illuminated by socially or politically or religiously or morally devilish ideology, behavior, movement, it plays no more morally and ethically worthy roles in human relation. As a result, the actor can no longer see the pain of the victims of his or her action, can no longer sense the commonly acceptable manner, can no longer serve the collective interest of the society, can no longer live as normal persons, as long as it serves his or her own interest, his sense no longer help him or her see fairness or moral imperative, and so usually step outside of normal human behavior.

So comes the assassination, rape, lie, slandering, robbing, stealing, discrimination, victimization, on and on. The world cries, people die.

In dealing with those people whose common sense have been corrupted, contaminated, polluted, and totally illuminated, as mentioned above, it is good to be aware of their brutal self serving behavior even at the expenses of the innocent lives. Only pain and severe infliction can prevent them from fulfilling their self serving human curiosity at the expense of others and their victimization of common sense and the truth. Nothing can make their common sense awake, until they see the irresistible force imminently threatens their interest or existence. Therefore, in dealing with such people, whether individual or groups, whether political group or religious ones, common and gentle words cannot bridge the gaps, unless in cases of sharing similar profits of similar cruelty of similar parties. Or submission to such immoral existence and behavior would drag down one’s core value of existence.

Once common sense is lost, character, morality, fairness play no role in human decision making process, but self serving want and interest dominate the determinant factors of human mental impulses. So, countless examples surrounded us.

Here is the call of time and history to all prudent citizens, to watch and pray that none of our people would be fallen under such self victimization of losing common sense; no tribal political party, no religious sect, no social club would have to pay the p

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